Moxa - Universal Remote Ethernet I/O, 12 DIs, 8 DOs, Click&Go, -10 to 60C operating temperature
Moxa’s ioLogik E2200 is a new type of Ethernet micro RTU controller, which is a PC-based data acquisition and control device that uses proactive, event-based reporting to control I/O devices. Unlike traditional RTUs, which are passive and must poll for data, Moxa’s ioLogik E2200 series with Active OPC Server makes seamless connection with SCADA systems a reality. In addition, SNMP is used for communicating with an NMS (Network Management System) for IT field users. The I/O status of an Ethernet micro RTU controller can be reported and controlled automatically on-site based on user specified conditions. This report-by-exception approach, which is new to PC-based monitoring, requires far less bandwidth than traditional polling methods.
The ioLogik E2200 Micro RTU supports simple and powerful Click&Go™ technology to deliver event-driven reports and allow alarm messages to be sent by email, TCP/UDP, and SMNP Trap with real-time stamps. With built-in Click&Go™ intelligence, the ioLogik E2200 micro RTU can be used for simple output control when it is triggered by input status, without the need for a PC controller. The ioLogik E2200 micro RTU reports I/O status automatically based on user-specified conditions. This report by-exception approach requires far less bandwidth than the traditional polling approach.